version = 1 [common] # API mode, set to true to prevent loading local subscriptions or serving local files directly api_mode = false # Access token used for performing critical action through Web interface api_access_token = "password" # Default URLs, used when no URL is provided in request, use "|" to separate multiple subscription links, supports local files/URL default_url = [] # Insert subscription links to requests. Can be used to add node(s) to all exported subscriptions. enable_insert = true # URLs to insert before subscription links, can be used to add node(s) to all exported subscriptions, supports local files/URL insert_url = [""] # Prepend inserted URLs to subscription links. Nodes in insert_url will be added to groups first with non-group-specific match pattern. prepend_insert_url = true # Exclude nodes which remarks match the following patterns. Supports regular expression. exclude_remarks = ["(到期|剩余流量|时间|官网|产品)"] # Only include nodes which remarks match the following patterns. Supports regular expression. #include_remarks = ["V3.*港"] # Enable script support for filtering nodes enable_filter = false # Script used for filtering nodes. Supports inline script and script path. A "filter" function with 1 argument which is a node should be defined in the script. # Example: Inline script: Set value to content of script. # Script path: Set value to "path:/path/to/script.js". #filter_script = ''' #function filter(node) { # const info = JSON.parse(node.ProxyInfo); # if(info.EncryptMethod.includes('chacha20')) # return true; # return false; #} #''' # Setting an external config file as default when none is specified, supports local files/URL # default_external_config = "config/example_external_config.toml" # The file scope limit of the 'rule_base' options in external configs. base_path = "base" # Clash config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL clash_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Surge config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL surge_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Surfboard config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL surfboard_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Mellow config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL mellow_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Quantumult config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL quan_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Quantumult X config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL quanx_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Loon config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL loon_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Shadowsocks Android config base used by the generator, supports local files/URL sssub_rule_base = "base/all_base.tpl" # Proxy used to download rulesets or subscriptions, set to NONE or empty to disable it, set to SYSTEM to use system proxy. # Accept cURL-supported proxies (http:// https:// socks4a:// socks5://) proxy_config = "SYSTEM" proxy_ruleset = "SYSTEM" proxy_subscription = "NONE" # Append a proxy type string ([SS] [SSR] [VMess]) to node remark. append_proxy_type = false [[userinfo.stream_rule]] # Rules to extract stream data from node # Format: full_match_regex|new_format_regex # where new_format_regex should be like "total=$1&left=$2&used=$3" match = '^剩余流量:(.*?)\|总流量:(.*)$' replace = 'total=$2&left=$1' [[userinfo.stream_rule]] match = '^剩余流量:(.*?) (.*)$' replace = 'total=$1&left=$2' [[userinfo.stream_rule]] match = '^Bandwidth: (.*?)/(.*)$' replace = 'used=$1&total=$2' [[userinfo.stream_rule]] match = '^.*剩余(.*?)(?:\s*?)@(?:.*)$' replace = 'total=$1' [[userinfo.time_rule]] # Rules to extract expire time data from node # Format: full_match_regex|new_format_regex # where new_format_regex should follow this example: yyyy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss match = '^过期时间:(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$' replace = '$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6' [[userinfo.time_rule]] match = '^到期时间:(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$' replace = '$1:$2:$3:0:0:0' [[userinfo.time_rule]] match = '^Smart Access expire: (\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)$' replace = '$1:$2:$3:0:0:0' [node_pref] udp_flag = true tcp_fast_open_flag = false skip_cert_verify_flag = true tls13_flag = false sort_flag = false # Script used for sorting nodes. A "compare" function with 2 arguments which are the 2 nodes to be compared should be defined in the script. Supports inline script and script path. # Examples can be seen at the filter_script option in [common] section. #sort_script = ''' #function compare(node_a, node_b) { # return info_a.Remark > info_b.Remark; #} #''' filter_deprecated_nodes = false append_sub_userinfo = true clash_use_new_field_name = true # Generate style of the proxies section of Clash subscriptions. # Supported styles: block, flow, compact # Block: - name: name1 Flow: - {name: name1, key: value} Compact: [{name: name1, key: value},{name: name2, key: value}] # key: value - {name: name2, key: value} # - name: name2 # key: value clash_proxies_style = "flow" [[node_pref.rename_node]] match = '\(?((x|X)?(\d+)(\.?\d+)?)((\s?倍率?)|(x|X))\)?' replace = "$1x" [managed_config] # Append a '#!MANAGED-CONFIG' info to Surge configurations write_managed_config = true # Address prefix for MANAGED-CONFIG info, without the trailing "/". managed_config_prefix = "" # Managed config update interval in seconds, determine how long the config will be updated. config_update_interval = 86400 # If config_update_strict is set to true, Surge will require a force update after the interval. config_update_strict = false # Device ID to be written to rewrite scripts for some version of Quantumult X quanx_device_id = "" [surge_external_proxy] #surge_ssr_path = "/usr/bin/ssr-local" resolve_hostname = true [emojis] add_emoji = false remove_old_emoji = true [[emojis.emoji]] #match = '(流量|时间|应急)' #emoji = '🏳️‍🌈' import = "snippets/emoji.toml" # [[custom_groups]] # name = "Auto" # type = "url-test" # rule = [".*"] # url = "" # interval = 300 # tolerance = 150 # lazy = true # [[custom_groups]] # name = "Proxy" # type = "select" # rule = [".*", "[]DIRECT"] # disable_udp = false # [[custom_groups]] # name = "LoadBalance" # type = "load-balance" # rule = [".*", "[]Proxy", "[]DIRECT"] # interval = 100 # strategy = "consistent-hashing" # url = "" [[custom_groups]] import = "snippets/groups.toml" [ruleset] # Enable generating rules with rulesets enabled = true # Overwrite the existing rules in rule_base overwrite_original_rules = false # Perform a ruleset update on request update_ruleset_on_request = false # [[rulesets]] # group = "Proxy" # ruleset = "" # type = "surge-ruleset" # interval = 86400 [[rulesets]] import = "snippets/rulesets.toml" [template] template_path = "" [[template.globals]] key = "clash.http_port" value = "7890" [[template.globals]] key = "clash.socks_port" value = "7891" [[template.globals]] key = "clash.allow_lan" value = "true" [[template.globals]] key = "clash.log_level" value = "info" [[aliases]] uri = "/clash" target = "/sub?target=clash" [[aliases]] uri = "/clashr" target = "/sub?target=clashr" [[aliases]] uri = "/surge" target = "/sub?target=surge" [[aliases]] uri = "/quan" target = "/sub?target=quan" [[aliases]] uri = "/quanx" target = "/sub?target=quanx" [[aliases]] uri = "/mellow" target = "/sub?target=mellow" [[aliases]] uri = "/surfboard" target = "/sub?target=surfboard" [[aliases]] uri = "/loon" target = "/sub?target=loon" [[aliases]] uri = "/ss" target = "/sub?target=ss" [[aliases]] uri = "/ssd" target = "/sub?target=ssd" [[aliases]] uri = "/sssub" target = "/sub?target=sssub" [[aliases]] uri = "/ssr" target = "/sub?target=ssr" [[aliases]] uri = "/v2ray" target = "/sub?target=v2ray" [[aliases]] uri = "/trojan" target = "/sub?target=trojan" [[aliases]] uri = "/test" target = "/render?path=templates/test.tpl" #[[tasks]] #name = "tick" #cronexp = "0/10 * * * * ?" #path = "tick.js" #timeout = 3 [server] listen = "" port = 25500 serve_file_root = "web" [advanced] log_level = "debug" print_debug_info = true max_pending_connections = 10240 max_concurrent_threads = 4 max_allowed_rulesets = 64 max_allowed_rules = 0 max_allowed_download_size = 0 enable_cache = true cache_subscription = 60 cache_config = 300 cache_ruleset = 21600 script_clean_context = true async_fetch_ruleset = false skip_failed_links = true